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(3 edits) (+2)(-5)

After 13 hours of playing. I have decided I don't like it. The unlock system seems weird, you unlock things that are almost necessary which probably should have been unlocked from the start. You have a bunch of currencies and you don't even use them until later in the game. Strength is the most desirable stat, next being Agility. Vitality and Energy are practically useless unless you are spending 1000s of hours grinding up to use skills effectively but why? The RMB skill is worthless and too expensive. The IDLE part of this game is severely lacking, the game requires active attention, using an auto-clicker for the LMB skill to deal viable damage to clear stages.

After reaching over level 100, maxing out practically every item I could unlock in 13 hours, I wasn't able to beat level 30 of Rat Nest and I got bored. The game freezes after 2-4 hours of running and there is no offline idle.

I'm sure if I spent 200 hours grinding and ascending then maybe the game would be slightly more interesting but I am not going to do that.

It was fun while the fun lasted.

I ended with 50/20/50/0/0/0 on stats.

Summon level 10, 25 all stats.

Hunting Bow looks like the only item I didn't unlock, Merc Helm +7, everything else +9

Projectiles are too much. They are unavoidable and the rate they are spammed makes them practically an instant kill in some cases.

If the basic spell could destroy them then it would make it better. As it is though, just having to run into a big red wall is not a good way to do it, particularly because this is supposed to be an idle game, right?

Also, the game seems to crash after a certain amount of time played.

Yeah unfortunately ranged enemy projectile spam just shreds your character. Only thing to do is get your armor up through bestiary and equips


"I wasn't able to beat level 30 of Rat Nest and I got bored"

lmao filtered


What a weird reply.

Strength is the most desirable stat, next being Agility.

Interesting, most here seem to favor Dex (for the reduced cooldowns) and dump Str as useless. Not sure what you mean by “Energy”

Hi! I made an account just to comment on this game ;P

I really like the game especially the fact that if you micro and play it actively it makes a big difference, but it is also possible to play passively as an idler. 

I played it on the web version and a small bug that I noticed was that I the hover text preview of tree perks didn't work DURING ascension. It works when viewing it, but on ascension it didn't display any text luckily I remembered lol

on the current build STR seems to be non optional. maybe this is because we play a swordsman, but if almost all, and all relevant damage scales with one stat it seems like this will always be best to pick. Unless the design plan is to build other classes that rely on DoT builds but I was wondering if it might make sense to split that into skill damage and auto dmg or smth like that, but that is a design choice anyway just wanted to mention it.

the pickups are interesting and kinda fun but also frustrating. They give an incentive to try to move all around the level but at the same time you cannot control the character and at certain power levels the character either runs around manically and kills things as they spawn or is bogged down and can't move either, and you just know that just around the corner there are some pickups you can't pick up :/

and the objectives are alot of fun, they give u smth to work towards

fun game keep it up! :)


Hey, thanks for the feedback! I really appreciate it. I'll go by this point by point!

First, the bug with ascension I actually just fixed 10 minutes ago. If you update, you'll be good. Sorry about that.

For STR, interestingly enough, some people have made builds that use no STR at all and they completely decimate enemies. It's great to hear varying opinions on this matter. That means it's decently balanced, in my opinion.

For pickups, I know what you mean. Their hitbox for clicking is REALLY big to compensate for this. It extends well beyond their actual sprite, about 4x as far out, actually. You can also set the camera to follow your summon in Summons -> Settings -> Camera Follow Summon, which could possibly be used to look more around the map.


Decimate doesn't mean what you think it means and in the context of this game, that sounds really bad.



in the late game you want to find upgrades that aren't additive like str. the ascension tree damage upgrades and equipment stats basically give all the damage you need. dex reduces spell cooldown and so has really great damage if u can increase the cap. not to mention the dagger + dex + agi is amazing for farming.

How to import exported saves? I exported from the web version to import on desktop but I don’t see any option to do so.

There should be a button in Settings -> Saving for exporting save files from the Web version. It essentially downloads your save files. There's 2 export buttons and depending on your browser, you may need to click both to get all of your save files.

Yeah, I have the files, how do I import them into the desktop version?


Navigate to here:

C:\Users\<your username>\AppData\Roaming\Godot\app_userdata\Nomad Idle

Put the save files in there. If that folder doesn't exist, run the Desktop version at least once.

(1 edit)

any plans to make it mobile?


Nope. I don't think the game would run well on mobile and I'd have to redesign a number of things. Just wasn't made with mobile in mind, sorry.

(1 edit)

that's fine! very well designed demo version. i'm predicting the twist in the story is going to be that the dialogue is about the real player being the source of the cursor attacks, like a different soul. something like that lol

(1 edit)

The following features required to run Godot projects on the Web are missing:
WebGL2 - Check web browser configuration and hardware support



Not sure what's up with that. Sounds like it'd be easier to download it, if that's an option. The game runs better when downloaded anyway.



(1 edit)

im not very far but enemies shooting at me from outside the clickable screen is meh? 

mostly though, there's got to be a more accessible way to look up resource origins - not buried in submenus - and differentiate item shapes aka: legibility. i keep trying to gather for crafts and im in the wrong map for several rounds 

other than that really hits the spot

edit: some of these item drops are only going up 10-20 at a time after several stages. sometimes switching lands helps but that also wipes out the stage progress. possible that the loot alert is going up but inventory isn't

For enemies hitting outside of view, you can scroll out either in the Settings menu or with the scroll wheel.

(1 edit)

Did someone manage to beat Area 3 (Void)? Highest I completed is stage 8

Lvl: 141
str 25. dex 30, agi 30, vit 25, wis 45, int 27
All passive skills Lvl 26
All equipment fully upgraded
Every possible (tier 1, 2) Ascension bonus unlocked
Bestiary area 1-3 completed
Fox lvl 30, Slime lvl 24 (currently lvling to 30), Owl lvl 30

I would love some guidance on how I can beat Area 3 (void) stage 10 and finally move on to Peridot Coast?

You can't move onto Peridot Coast as that's currently unavailable on the free version of the game. You're pretty much at the end of the content.

Oh, right
But it should be possible to beat Area 3 (Void)?

My current plan is to keep grinding until I manage to beat it


I haven't played in a while, but try a spell build, max dex and get more dex capacity to reduce spell cooldown as much as possible (i had 65 dex)

I think spells also benefit from int, and my favorite spell is the one with rotating projectiles going outwards in a circle (best aoe dmg imo esp for ranged enemies)


Hi, thanks for the suggestion, I actually already got that hint on the games discord.

I am currently dex 64, wis 65, int 60, everywhere else 0 and pretty much shredding everything.

Managed to beat void 10 and currently leveling up my hedgehog summon :)

The browser version works perfectly on MacOS. I don't see any mention of MacOS on Steam, will I be able to move my savefile from to Steam when it launches there?

Officially, I'm not supporting Mac as I do not own an Apple device to properly export it on, so unfortunately it will not be compatible on Steam.

I do plan to offer it on itch, so it's good to hear it works on MacOS here. I didn't know that!

One of the best idle games i've played!


so true!

I know bestie

Ty broski!

hey I think you go to my school?

What the sigma, I live in Ohio

Super nice game! 1 question tho, how do you get gems? I need 100 tier 1 gems and idk how to obtain them

It should say if you hover over materials in the Equipment / Inventory screen. Hovering over Tier 1 Gems should say it drops from all enemies in Areas 1 and 2. It's a lower chance than other materials, but all enemies can drop it.

Is it even possible to get T3-4 materials in the demo? Also, due to the exponential exp cost, lvling up gets so so so slow, I've been grinding for 3 hours so far, and have only gotten 4 lvls. (that's with all of the Ascension bonuses)

it's not, and if levels start taking so long then that's likely more levels than you need in the available areas anyway

I wish to reset my game to the beginning how to i do this?

(1 edit)

You just need to find the savegame folder of the game and delete all the savefiles. should be somewhere in user\appdata\roaming\godot


(Desktop) Tons of error prints on console.

Most of the Ascension bonus don't make sense.

"Auto Cast LMB Skill": 5%*4 chance per attack is way too low; should be at least 5%*4 per frame or per enemy hit by attack (to compete with auto clicker).

"EXP Gain": +20%*4/10 is way too trivial; should be magnitudes higher. (exp requirement should not be exponential in first place)

"Keep Coin": 5%-40% is a complete joke; should be at least 90% (to allow accumulation of 5-10x).

How do i keep my save I have been playing at work and want to be able to take it home or to my other desk?

Deleted 17 days ago

So get a flash drive, noted.

The hardest thing about making these games is balance. I had a great time for the first 3 hours. Then - just grind. Hope it gets better when the full version comes out. Still, great job, I wishlisted

Last night I accidentally introduced a bug that made it so you didn't get new events in Areas 2 and 3. I just hotfixed it now. If you only started playing a few hours ago, you were probably on the bugged version. Sorry about that.

I'm afraid not, I started a week ago


People are going to use an autoclicker anyways (some of us need it for accessiblity reasons to avoid wrist pain), so why not make it so you can hold down m1 or m2 to use your abilities

i cleared  stage 15 of area 3 but i cant claim the reward for that  even thoe the exclamation point is there showing i should be able to 

Yep, I'm gonna work on this today. Bit of an oversight with the new Claim Reward system I added in recently. Sorry about that.

Fixed! Thanks for letting me know.

(4 edits)

managed to beat the last available area after hours of grinding and some experimenting with stats, feeling very accomplished!

and i'm still playing because i want to get my fox to lvl 30 to see what kind of skill it gets there :D

probably not getting the bow upgrade though, that's definitely not worth it right now

kinda spoilers on what stats i used to beat it below:


i originally thought maxing out agi+int and putting the rest of the points in dex+wis was the way to go, to make the dancing dagger skill stronger, but looks like dex gets you more out of skills when you need it, so it's dex+int, just enough points into vit to survive if you need it and the rest of the points go into wis. str seemed absolutely useless compared to the armor and bestiary buffs i had by that point, but i guess i would've also been exploring new areas at this point during regular gameplay so i could've needed it? idk

this also seems to get me the best rates for soul farming in rat's nest 50 (consistently over 3.1m per minute right now) and i have the fox summon active (with amulet of aggression) because i'm leveling it, pretty sure the owl was even better for farming though. might try the hedgehog later too, it looks fun

(1 edit)

it will be great if there were more variety of skills and skill changes like vampire survivor. That's fun.

It will also be good to think about the pacing. Initially there are things to manage and balance around but later not much happens other than just dying on repeat when letting it sit idle. 

The artstyle is awesome though and the vibe is very good

Pretty fun!! I would say, allow respecing stats for free until maybe a certain level? Then it costs something, like resources or maybe even rare item.

I've been really enjoying this, great work!

One question; there's a notification on the Objectives tab but I don't know how to redeem it.

Funny, but it's boring after the begining since the growth is so slow.

Quick feedback/bug: the Event notification stays on but I postponed the New Event because I didn't have enough souls and none of the Discoverable Events trigger.

How do I pause?

Error: Couldn't load project data at path ".". Is the .pck file missing? index.js:462 

If you've renamed the executable, the associated .pck file should also be renamed to match the executable's name (without the extension).

From the web version.


I just pushed a hotfix. You might've tried it as soon as I was doing it. Does it work for you now?


Good news, it worked. Bad news, I'm addicted help- also the save files is a multi-file jumpscare. Other than that it's a really fun game!

How do I import my save?


small and quite addictive, really nice!

Thank you! Glad you liked it.

(4 edits)

this is super fun!!!

i've been playing for a few days now and still have things to unlock and complete in the demo and it looks like this is only a small part of what's to come

right now i'm zooming around farming the gentlewood with all the agility i could afford and it's often too fast for me to manage to click on the interactables. it would be nice not to have to depend on your reaction speed and dexterity so much, maybe another character could have an active ability with more area of effect at the cost of other stuff so that you don't have to be as precise

(1 edit) (+1)

just realized that "skill size" increased by the int stat seems to mean area of effect, that also works i guess

(1 edit)

This is magnificent work.  The bones of a proper idle game are there, certainly - but what really impresses me is all the little QoL lessons that so many other idle games should learn.

Milestone reached or quest unlocked?  No worries - it pops an unobtrusive notification, and the auto-farming continues uninterrupted.  Worried about choosing gear, overlevelling a summon, or overfarming a certain material?  It's all good - everything applies, all the time.  Summon skills apply as permanent unlocks, equipment bonuses are permanent, and excess materials still count toward Ascension.  Want to respec to try something different?  No cost - just redistribute the points on the fly.  All actions are useful, and advance progress - there's little-to-no wasted time or dross to deal with.

Things like this, things that cater to a player's agency and convenience, really show a deep respect for a player's time and fun factor.  I've already wishlisted it on Steam, and I await the full release with baited breath.  <3

Thank you so much! It's great to hear that I've been taking the project in the right direction.

Nice game! Keep working on it!



we need chinese plz

ive unlocked all gear...except the last 2 armwear and legwear, which i assume means the game glitched up and ill never be able to get them now unless i delete my save and start over.

Would it be possible to add a reset progress button? I'd love to play the new update with a fresh start!

In the Desktop version, you can navigate to your save files and delete them. You can find the save path in the Settings -> Saving section in-game.

For the Web version, I don't think there's a way. It's something I plan to look into for sure, but I'm fairly new to Web versions in general so I'm not totally sure how that'd work.

great work ! 


Loved it =D look forward to more!


just curious if there would be a mac port?

Probably not, sorry.

When will be next update

Currently working on it. It's another big update so it's taking some time. I also underwent surgery this month so I was out of commission for a bit.

(1 edit)

I can't break Rat's Nest stage 47.

Lv143, str 63, dex 0, agi 20,vit 65, wis 10, int 0

Item upgraded max

Summon Level 30(max), fox power 42, speed 36, insight 36, acuity 36

Passive skills all 28

Bestiary all clear except level 47,48,49,50

What more can I do here?

Try a bit of balance instead of putting most of your stat points in strength. I did and it works fine.

After adjusting the stats, I cleared all 50 levels.

Thank you so much.

(1 edit)

I cannot seem to reach level 50 of the rats nest. My highest stage completed is 46.

I am level 131

Stat distribution: str 30, dex 20, agi 26, vit 20, wis 30, int 20

Passive skills are at 23

Maxed out all available gear (3 weapons, 4 head, 4 chest, 2 arm, 2 leg), maybe I am missing out some arm and leg gear?

Fox is lvl 27, stats are pow 35, spd 35, ins 35, acu 34

Any advice other than continue to grind? I am currently sitting at rats nest 44 grinding away

Have you completed the bestiary? You can get some stat boosts from there

Oh my god I did not know that was a thing, thank you SO much!


I've completed all objectives, reached 50 in all areas, now just waiting for an update too :)

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