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(1 edit)

it will be great if there were more variety of skills and skill changes like vampire survivor. That's fun.

It will also be good to think about the pacing. Initially there are things to manage and balance around but later not much happens other than just dying on repeat when letting it sit idle. 

The artstyle is awesome though and the vibe is very good

Pretty fun!! I would say, allow respecing stats for free until maybe a certain level? Then it costs something, like resources or maybe even rare item.

I've been really enjoying this, great work!

One question; there's a notification on the Objectives tab but I don't know how to redeem it.

Funny, but it's boring after the begining since the growth is so slow.

Quick feedback/bug: the Event notification stays on but I postponed the New Event because I didn't have enough souls and none of the Discoverable Events trigger.

How do I pause?

Error: Couldn't load project data at path ".". Is the .pck file missing? index.js:462 

If you've renamed the executable, the associated .pck file should also be renamed to match the executable's name (without the extension).

From the web version.


I just pushed a hotfix. You might've tried it as soon as I was doing it. Does it work for you now?


Good news, it worked. Bad news, I'm addicted help- also the save files is a multi-file jumpscare. Other than that it's a really fun game!

How do I import my save?


small and quite addictive, really nice!

Thank you! Glad you liked it.

(4 edits)

this is super fun!!!

i've been playing for a few days now and still have things to unlock and complete in the demo and it looks like this is only a small part of what's to come

right now i'm zooming around farming the gentlewood with all the agility i could afford and it's often too fast for me to manage to click on the interactables. it would be nice not to have to depend on your reaction speed and dexterity so much, maybe another character could have an active ability with more area of effect at the cost of other stuff so that you don't have to be as precise

(1 edit) (+1)

just realized that "skill size" increased by the int stat seems to mean area of effect, that also works i guess

(1 edit)

This is magnificent work.  The bones of a proper idle game are there, certainly - but what really impresses me is all the little QoL lessons that so many other idle games should learn.

Milestone reached or quest unlocked?  No worries - it pops an unobtrusive notification, and the auto-farming continues uninterrupted.  Worried about choosing gear, overlevelling a summon, or overfarming a certain material?  It's all good - everything applies, all the time.  Summon skills apply as permanent unlocks, equipment bonuses are permanent, and excess materials still count toward Ascension.  Want to respec to try something different?  No cost - just redistribute the points on the fly.  All actions are useful, and advance progress - there's little-to-no wasted time or dross to deal with.

Things like this, things that cater to a player's agency and convenience, really show a deep respect for a player's time and fun factor.  I've already wishlisted it on Steam, and I await the full release with baited breath.  <3

Thank you so much! It's great to hear that I've been taking the project in the right direction.

Nice game! Keep working on it!



we need chinese plz

ive unlocked all gear...except the last 2 armwear and legwear, which i assume means the game glitched up and ill never be able to get them now unless i delete my save and start over.

Would it be possible to add a reset progress button? I'd love to play the new update with a fresh start!

In the Desktop version, you can navigate to your save files and delete them. You can find the save path in the Settings -> Saving section in-game.

For the Web version, I don't think there's a way. It's something I plan to look into for sure, but I'm fairly new to Web versions in general so I'm not totally sure how that'd work.

great work ! 


Loved it =D look forward to more!


just curious if there would be a mac port?

Probably not, sorry.

When will be next update

Currently working on it. It's another big update so it's taking some time. I also underwent surgery this month so I was out of commission for a bit.

(1 edit)

I can't break Rat's Nest stage 47.

Lv143, str 63, dex 0, agi 20,vit 65, wis 10, int 0

Item upgraded max

Summon Level 30(max), fox power 42, speed 36, insight 36, acuity 36

Passive skills all 28

Bestiary all clear except level 47,48,49,50

What more can I do here?

Try a bit of balance instead of putting most of your stat points in strength. I did and it works fine.

After adjusting the stats, I cleared all 50 levels.

Thank you so much.

(1 edit)

I cannot seem to reach level 50 of the rats nest. My highest stage completed is 46.

I am level 131

Stat distribution: str 30, dex 20, agi 26, vit 20, wis 30, int 20

Passive skills are at 23

Maxed out all available gear (3 weapons, 4 head, 4 chest, 2 arm, 2 leg), maybe I am missing out some arm and leg gear?

Fox is lvl 27, stats are pow 35, spd 35, ins 35, acu 34

Any advice other than continue to grind? I am currently sitting at rats nest 44 grinding away

Have you completed the bestiary? You can get some stat boosts from there

Oh my god I did not know that was a thing, thank you SO much!


I've completed all objectives, reached 50 in all areas, now just waiting for an update too :)


I love the game. Very good concept. In rat nest there are many range monsters but the character mostly focusing on melee monsters so levels from 37-38 are way to hard than others. Waiting for another update ^^

Great concept, fun game!

Played a bunch on the browser, tried to export the files to run on the Desktop, and the _skills.dat file is not being exported.

Deleted 206 days ago
(1 edit)

I actually couldn't recreate this issue. I know a few people are having it so I'm trying to track down the cause. Do you mind telling me which Browser you're using?

EDIT: Okay, I think this is an issue with Chrome specifically. I pushed 0.4e that has a new export button that probably fixes the problem.

Using Arc, which is Chromium based. Gonna give it a try!


Good proof of concept. Well done.


I enjoyed the game! 

The fox is cool.

Hey, thanks! Glad you enjoyed it. I'm currently working on a big update which will hopefully make it even better.

When we can expect update?

It's a pretty big update, so probably a few more days yet.

I'm enjoying the game, but I have the following problem

If I leave the game for a long time (over 24 hours?), the monsters don't pop up or they become very slow.

I don't know if this is an intentional limitation or not, but the same problem continues even if I restart the game, and if I turn it off for 2-3 days and turn it back on, the monsters pop up normally again.

Is there anyone else experiencing the same problem as me?

Hey, sorry to hear you're having issues. I'm working on a big update (which is why it's taking so long) that might fix this, but out of curiosity, are you playing on browser or download?

I'm enjoying the download version.

A big update is on the way?? I'm so excited!

Thank you so much for making such a fun game.

I downloaded it through the itch desktop app, and when starting I get:

The following features required to run Godot projects on the Web are missing:
Cross-Origin Isolation - Check that the web server configuration sends the correct ehaders.
SharedArrayBuffer - Check that the web server configuration sends the correct headers.

Notably, the web version works fine.


I enjoyed this auto-fighting Idle Game! I don't have many complains; you can impact every fight with active skills (which are very important, as our character likes to get into trouble), you can eventually start getting some items, so that's nice.

Hey, thanks! I'll be sure to check out the video when I've got some free time.


This is a really fun game!

The Fox Knocks has done a wonderful job so far with this and has gotten me interested in their other games.

I can't wait to see what the game has to offer in the coming updates!

A lof of fun! I wish i could fullscreen it <3


It's in my to-do list! Honestly, just forgot about that being a thing people might want entirely.


The X to close in-game windows is a little off, you have to click it on the sides or else it doesnt work.

This only seems to happen if the X is too close to the itch buttons (rating etc.) Works fine if I scroll down the screen a bit...

hm, after a certain point, I dont see how to advance.
like I got to level 19 in first world and level 9 in second, got all the quests done and all the euipment upgraded.
but dont see how to continue. fox also got upgraded as far as ressources allow.
but I cant seme to advance further.
got total of 55 stat ppoint currently.strength maxed out, some healing, annd 1 or 2 in the others.

cant advance, waiting for next levelup takes ages.
and there isnt really anything to do as long as i dont reach a few further levels


You're honestly pretty close to the end of content in the current version of the game. I haven't had much feedback about beating Stage 9 being so difficult, though. Have you been upgrading Equipment?

(1 edit) (+1)

I got lvl 29 and 17. Helps to use "right click magic" to come over some stages.

With the events and their benefits there is always a little jump in power.

Farming needed material with the stage lock in catching up mode is very helpful too.


You can go further (I added some screenshots here) but where I'm at, I can only advance in terms of levels and max stage reached on each area. I don't have any more objectives to look up to. 

You can make yourself more powerful by:

- increasing the level of course

- upgrading all equipment (you can unlock all 10 pieces) 

- upgrading the pet

- and, notably, just killing thousands and thousands of monsters as you will see in the Bestiary that each milestones gives you more stats

I assume it's possible to reach all the way to 50 in each area if you keep on grinding. 


Huh, I hadnt even unlocked the stat cap upgrades yet :O


Since posting that, I cleared area 1 completely. I'm at 39/50 of area 2. 

All equipment is maxed out except for the Magic Bracelet. 

I'm just leaving the game open on idling mode, not doing anything special. The progress is pretty consistent by itself. 

did the same but I am unsure if the game is even doing things that way.
since, when I go back, the game runs at 2 or 3 times speed to "catch up".

Do you have the Mac OS version to download?  :c

I'm afraid not. Platforms outside of Windows are not very high priority as it'll just add workload during a time when I'm adding new things and changing things around quite a bit.

Game not loading. Firefox.

Update to Godot 4.3.

still waiting on run dependencies: index.js:13855:18

dependency: loading-workers index.js:13855:18

(end of list) index.js:13855:18

I'm not sure why this is. I also use Firefox and the game runs fine, as is the case for many others. I'm not at all trying to blame you for anything, I'm just not sure how to approach this problem when it's so isolated.

As I wrote: update Godot to version 4.3. They adressed this problem.

Strangely, I actually am already updated to Godot 4.3, however I was awaiting a bug fix  from them in order to use the latest build for web. I'll look into that. Must be something related to the older version of 4.3 I'm using for web.

AFAIK, this should be fixed in [this](

Okay, yeah. It's as I suspected. Going down the rabbit hole a bit here, it's fixed in beta3. The web version is using beta1. There was a bug that was preventing me from upgrading to beta3, but they've since pushed out a few release candidates so I may try those.

Thank you for looking into it! That helps a ton knowing it's not me doing something dumb on my end. I'll make a note to prioritize looking into this.

(1 edit)

I started playing on the embedded version in the browser and I'm now looking to move it over to the desktop version, any instructions on how to transfer the save between the 2?

(Edit) I couldn't figure it out, it seems firefox completely encrypts data saved from anything in-browser, only solution that comes to mind right now is if you implement a text-based import/export feature.

Other than that, could do with the ability to mass aggro stuff on the map. And the ability to set the fox to go chase pots, bags and chests when they do appear on the map.

There's no instructions and I'll be honest. It's entirely because this is my first foray into itch and I didn't realize it'd handle save files differently. I plan to look into a way to sort of export save files for use between versions. I apologize.


No problem, I seem to have hit the end of content for the current version as well.

Another thing I'd like to see is the ability to set the game to "medal hunt", unlocked after beating stage 50, it automatically locks your stage to the creatures you don't have a gold medal of yet. If it doesn't look too troublesome to implement.

That's an interesting idea, could be some good QoL. I don't know when I'd be able to get around to it, but I'll note it down. In the meantime, theres a way to lock your Stage in the Settings so that you can farm specific enemies. Your idea would be a lot more hands-off overall and more suitable to an idle game, I agree.

I really like it.

The mute-when-not-focused settings don't work. When not focused the game does not seem to progress and it seems there is no idle-currency (like x2 time). Adding some idle-currency could make this game better for keeping it in the background.

I'd like to see some XP/Soul per second indicator. In general you could add more feedback in this regard. Like showing icons of the material one finds.

Thanks for the feedback! I'm still working out the finer details of potential offline currency.

Regarding the game not working when unfocused, this is unfortunately a limitation of the Godot Engine when it comes to web builds. It's a big reason why I stated that the game is intended to be played downloaded. When downloaded, it continues to run in the background just fine.

I understand many people don't want to just blindly download games, though, so I kept the browser version even though it has this limitation.


Seems fun, but it really needs an fps limit or something, it's cooking my laptop.

(1 edit)

It should be limited to 60 FPS.

Just double-checked and it is. Are you getting FPS higher than 60?

(2 edits)

Thanks for checking. I don't know what the fps are, but with an Apple Silicon chip it just shouldn't get hot at all. Maybe an issue with the Godot engine.


This game is very cool! 

I'm looking forward to further development and hope you keep it up.

Thanks for the great gaming experience!

Thank you! I'm really glad you like it. I'll do my best!

With the latest upgrades it has gotten even better.
You are definitely on the right track. Keep it up. :-)


For an extremely limited playthrough of the game, I was very excited to watch and listen to my little hero battle these vicious squirrels.

For an autobattler, I do enjoy what you have going on right now. The addition to play somewhat actively and strategize your playing experience is definitely a drawing point. I would love to see more features fleshed out, so we can see what passive skills are like, what summons do, etc.

As for what is here presently, I felt that the pace was decent so far. I did notice that the drops so far do heavily weigh into hide, but seeing as there's only 1 craftable option, I'm unsure how that would play out going forward.

With that, I do wish you the best and I would love to see more content come to fruition. Good luck and stay motivated! 


Hey. I really appreciate your kind words, it's very motivating! I'll certainly do my best to keep the game interesting as it continues on. Really happy to hear you had a good time with it, even though it's so limited in its current state.

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